Saturday, July 22, 2006

Greedy Sniveling Landlords

So we're getting the boot next month. All because we did not want to sign another 12 month lease and stay another year in freakin' Los Angeles! Ever hear of karma? These people's distrust and greed will catch up to them someday. I hope they rot.

On a much kinder note - Northern California beckons... But I have to wait a few weeks before I know if I got a job up there.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

One door closes, another one opens...

I interviewed for a cartographer position in Santa Barbara yesterday. They made me an offer, however I had to decline today because it just wasn't enough $$ to maintain a family in the Santa Barbara area. I really liked the place too. They're nice people and are producing some amazing material, and I told them that. So, I may be working remotely with them in a few months as a freelance cartographer.

Monday, July 17, 2006

First Post

My wife, Kelly, set up her blog tonight and I was so impressed I decided to try it out myself. One could easily confuse this title with "The Wrath of Khan" (when read while chewing crackers), but it refers to my new career as a cartographer.

If you were directed here by someone chewing crackers and thought it was about the Star Trek
™ movie, you might enjoy clicking on this picture.